Home Skin Benefits Exfoliation How to Exfoliate Skin While You Are Travelling?

How to Exfoliate Skin While You Are Travelling?


You are the happiest when you are traveling to a new place! But have you ever thought about what your skin may be going through while trying to adapt to the new temperature and environment? While you travel, your skin is on an adventure too. To make sure your skin is comfortable, it is important to travel along with as much of your regular routine as possible. This includes more than just cleansing and moisturizing. Exfoliation is an important and irreplaceable part of your skincare routine. Moreover while traveling, your skin is bound to be subject to dust and pollution, so exfoliation becomes all the more necessary. Now, how do you manage all of this while traveling? Here’s how.

Face Scrub

An exfoliating scrub helps in removing the settled impurities and lifting up the excess oil. Try a gentle exfoliating scrub that best suits your skin. Everyuth’s neem and papaya face scrub are made using the goodness of neem. Its medicinal properties help in killing the problem-causing bacteria, leaving your skin supple and smooth. The exfoliating properties of papaya work to gently scrub away blackheads, dead skin cells, and embedded impurities. Since it is light and natural, it suits all skin types.


Being on the road cannot be an excuse to skip your anti-aging routine. Retinol is a Vitamin A derivative that helps reduce fine lines and fights the appearance of aging. It additionally is a chemical exfoliant and works from inside out to remove dead skin cells. Also, make sure you use a high SPF sunscreen to protect your skin against the UV rays.


No travel toiletry bag can ever be complete without a bag of towelettes. They help you stay hydrated and refreshed, refining your skin with the physical exfoliation that it requires. They also remove impurities and dirt in a gentle way. Make sure you carry these towelettes to keep your skin hydrated and refreshed.


Exfoliation is one of the most important steps of your skin-care regimen which must not be skipped at any cost. Not only does it remove the barrier of dead skin cells that clog pores, but it also uncovers fresh new skin cells. This unclogging helps in making way for your moisturizing products to penetrate into your skin more effectively. In short, a regular exfoliating routine will leave your skin looking fresh and healthy. So, even when you are on the go, do not forget to carry your favorite face scrub as that is surely one of your best travel companions.



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