Home Skin Solutions Acne / Pimples Simple and Effective Remedies to Get Rid Of Acne and Pimples

Simple and Effective Remedies to Get Rid Of Acne and Pimples


Acne is one of the most common skin problems that women often complain about. There are a number of causes for this problem. Whether it’s oily food, bacterial growth, dead skin cells building up, stress, traveling, consumption of dairy products, or high glycaemic foods, all of them affect your skin in one way or the other. While conventional treatment seems to be an easy option, it’s definitely not the most recommended one. Resolve your skin problems with this list of simple and effective remedies for pimple treatment….

1. Lemon Juice

Lemon’s acidic properties have a very sharp and noticeable effect on your skin. This Vitamin C rich citrus fruit helps you get rid of pimples easily. Squeeze the lemon juice directly on the affected area and leave it for an hour. Within 2-3 days, your skin should be clear of pimples.

2. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel has a soothing effect on your skin. It not only soothes your skin but also decreases the inflammation of pimples, and abolishes the oiliness from your skin. Apart from buying aloe vera gel from organic markets and drug stores, you can also make one at home.

3. Cucumber

Cucumbers are highly anti-inflammatory, which is why people use cucumber slices to combat puffy eyes! They work just as well for pimples and help reduce redness.

4. Egg Whites

Egg whites can work wonders for your skin. Ensure that the yolk doesn’t get mixed up with it. Apply it on your skin directly and let it soak for about an hour. Wash it off and your skin will not only feel clean but will also shine beautifully.

5. Steam

Steam can be helpful for treating acne because it helps to open up your pores, which prevents them from being clogged. Steam also moisturizes and detoxifies your skin.

6. Tulsi

Tulsi is a natural herb that has properties that protect your skin from all kinds of infections and disorders.

The Magic of the Tulsi Toner!

Indians have been using Tulsi for pimple treatment for ages. The tulsi toner works just the same way. Also, you can easily make it at home. Here’s how: Boil about 10-12 tulsi leaves for around 10 minutes. Ensure that the container is covered. Use the liquid as a skin toner. You can also make a paste of the leaves and apply it on your face. In fact, even if one isn’t suffering from any skin problems, applying tulsi toner every day will maintain its health.

Turmeric and Tulsi – The Best Anti-Acne Face Wash

The Tulsi and turmeric face wash is a natural solution for pimple treatment and acne treatment. This works as the best acne face wash especially when you’ve no time to make a paste or apply a face mask. In fact, it’s the best face wash for pimples and fairness.

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