Home Skin Benefits Glowing Skin Tis The Season of Weddings and Clear Glowing Skin

Tis The Season of Weddings and Clear Glowing Skin


Are you anxious about the wedding season coming up, wondering what else you can do to get that head-turning glowing complexion? Well, we do understand this overbearing stress of wanting clear skin when you have to attend events and functions back to back. Which is why here’s 5 wedding skincare tips you can follow to get that gorgeous glow –

Choose a naturally hydrating cleanser 

Your skin needs a boost of hydration to regain its suppleness every morning. A hydrating cleanser gets rid of all surface impurities along with waking your skin up in the right way. We recommend the Everyuth Naturals Fruit Face Wash for its apple extracts that rehydrate your skin and replenish lost nutrients and moisture.

Reduce sun spots and tan with exfoliation

Excessive sun exposure and monsoon showers must have left your skin in a confused state, resulting in spots and random patchiness. First thing you need to get rid of is any kind of skin darkening, tan patches, sun spots and skin abruptness. Use the Everyuth Naturals Tan Removal Scrub formulated with detoxifying chocolate and cherry, which gently washes away tanned dead skin cells and trapped impurities to uncover your skin’s natural brightness. 

Deep cleanse with a face mask

A cleanser gets rid of surface impurities, but for a naturally glowing complexion, your skin requires a deeper cleanse. Enriched with the goodness of natural ingredients, the Everyuth Golden Glow Peel Off Mask is perfect to uplift your skin’s brightness in just 15 minutes and leave it with a subtle golden hue. Another effective option is Everyuth Orange Peel Off Mask which targets the greasiness and grime on your face and leaves your skin feeling radiant and revitalized. 

Use a skin-specific moisturizer and night cream

The winter wedding season is a crucial time for your skin’s moisture levels. It naturally starts flaking, turning dry and stretchy, no matter what your skin type. At such a time, providing it with an extra boost of moisture is essential. Start with picking a moisturizer and a night cream that is specific to your skin type, to avoid your skin from acting up. Keep your skin hydrated and moist during the day and night both for a natural sheen. 

Eat lots of superfoods

Just like your body requires healthy food to thrive, your skin also needs a variety of beneficial ingredients to look its best. Superfoods are the secret to healthy, glowing skin. Anything you apply on your skin will not make a difference if you don’t fuel it with the right foods. Superfoods like turmeric, green tea, chia seeds, kiwi, blueberries and red grapes are great for your skin’s health. 




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