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Get That Glow Back! Brighten Up Your Dull Skin


Have you wondered why, even after getting the right amount of beauty sleep, your skin still looks dull and lifeless? Well, while many of us blame dull skin on the constant stress and daily exertion, we also need to understand that dull skin is the cause of dead skin build-up, smog, dust, and pollution, sun damage and aging. While these are all the reasons for your skin to look lifeless, what’s the solution?

Cleanse & Exfoliate

cleanse & exfoliate

Want to reveal fresh, radiant skin and get rid of all the dust and pollution? Cleansing and exfoliating are two steps of your skincare routine you just can’t miss. For best results, you can use a skin cleansing brush to slough away the dead skin cells and you can pair it with an exfoliating cleanser for the best results.

Moisturize regularly

People believe that moisturization takes away your skin’s shine. That is absolutely false. A good moisturizer will not just hydrate your skin, but will also help in increasing the rate of surface cell renewal, giving you brighter skin.

Peel-off Mask

Peel-off facials have been in trend for quite some time now and all for the right reasons. A peel-off mask is a blessing for dull skin. In just one use you can notice a change in your skin’s texture. Everyuth Golden Glow Peel Off Mask is specially made for brightening up lackluster skin and taking away any dead skin build-up. It helps reveal your skin’s natural glow and gives it a bright, golden hue.

Tackle Under-eye dullness

Dark under-eye dullness can make your face look dull and lifeless. Pick an under-eye cream that works best at the cellular level and makes the delicate skin under your eyes look fresh and rejuvenated.

Pro-tip: For best results, use an under-eye cream in the night so that the delicate skin gets enough time to recover.

Sun Protection to fight dullness

If you don’t wear sunscreen daily, then dull skin is a given. Moreover, sun exposure can also lead to dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Use a sunscreen that will give you complete protection from the harmful rays and ensure to never give this step a miss.

In addition to droopy eyes and constant yawns, dull skin makes you look lethargic and tired. While there isn’t much you can do about your daily work and home stress there’s something you can do for your skin. Follow these basic hacks and say goodbye to dull skin problems! So, get ready to fall in love with your glowing and radiant skin.



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