Tanning in most parts of India is not really an option, it is more of a natural phenomenon that occurs without us even trying. While many Westerners spend money to get a tan, we run away from getting a tan. What we must understand is that tanning is not just discoloration of the skin from the outside that eventually covers up with time, but it also has long-term side effects that you wouldn’t know about. Many of us are directly exposed to the sun on a daily basis without realizing the consequences of it. So, here’s a little guidance on how to protect yourself and bring back the natural glow of the skin that is lost with time.

The long-term, inevitable effects of tanning are –

·     Ageing

·     Wrinkles

·     Age Spots

·     Loss of Elasticity

·     Loss of the skin’s ability to renew cells

·     Irregular light or dark patches

Now, we aren’t telling you to stop yourself from going out during the day just to keep your skin healthy, we know that isn’t possible, but here are a few natural ways to get rid of tan –

1) Squeeze a few tomatoes

An ideal ingredient for salads, tomatoes also work wonders to remove the tan from your skin. They contain lycopene which works as a natural sunscreen for your skin. The anti-oxidant of the fruit fights cellular damage and reddening of the skin.

2) Fresh Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel is immensely useful for your skin. It acts as a protective healing layer of the skin, reducing wrinkles and to fight ageing. Mix aloe vera gel and lemon juice in a bowl and apply it on your face for 10-15 minutes. You will notice a change in the skin texture and the look as well.

3) Chocolate Wax

Chocolate wax is natural and is made of cocoa, soya oil, almond oil, vitamins, olive oil, and glycerin. When the parlor-waali aunty suggests you use chocolate wax to remove the suntan, she is actually saying the truth. It is proven that chocolate wax is a great way to get rid of tan.

4) Platinum Facial

If you have some extra moolah to splurge and are looking at a lavish treatment in the parlor then a platinum facial is your best bet for glowing skin. These include a vegetable peel, scrubbing, lymphatic massages, removing toxins, and removing the tan while lightening the skin.

5) The Everyuth Natural Tan Removal Face Pack

The Everyuth Natural Tan Removal Face Pack is the perfect solution to all your tanning woes. With a combination of cherry and chocolate, the face pack works wonders on tan removal and at the same time nourishes your skin. Get your hands on the face pack right away and you will notice the difference.

Now that you have the ultimate guide to getting rid of a tan and regaining your skin’s natural glow, it is time for you to step out in the sun and enjoy the summer while it lasts.


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