Republic Day Skincare Routine
We Indians are known for our Desh prem, a feeling that tends to become even more prominent when watching a cricket match or while watching Chak De India!. However, national holidays hold an essential place in our heart as they invoke a sense of patriotism, and there is a constant feeling of pride for our nation that...
The summers are making us feel relentlessly exhausted, and all we want to do is sit in an air-conditioned room with some fresh fruit juices and not get out of the house. While that just seems to be a far-fetched dream with the daily routine, we must not forget to keep ourselves hydrated in this scorching heat. Yeah, we...
Indian summers are not something that you can take in passing. There’s a lot that your skin and body have to go through during this season. The bright sun often plays the devil when it comes to flaunting the perfect skin. It makes your skin look dull and tanned due to the dehydration and greasiness. Here’s a...