There’s nothing more disappointing than waiting until your 20s to get rid of all the breakouts and acne, and then learning the hard way that breakouts don’t necessarily end with your teenage years. Coming to terms with adult acne may be difficult but you can definitely control these breakouts and learn to deal with them. And this happens only if you understand the causes and solutions to these annoying little skin monsters. While research on acne is an ongoing process, man has definitely found a few precautions and care treatments that you can imbibe in your skincare regime to ensure you do not harm your glowing skin.

Here are some of the most common causes of acne –

1)    Unclean Hands:

Remember how your mother still shouts at you and reminds you to wash your hands, the first thing, after coming home Well, it’s all for the right reasons.

2)    Pollution:

The pollution in the city is a major reason for acne. The unclean air and bacteria in the air are harmful for the skin. Since our skin is exposed to this air 24/7, we need to maintain a strict skincare regime to keep our skin healthy.

3)    Sweat:

Prolonged sweat causes the pores to block and does not let your skin breathe. This creates yet another breeding ground for acne.

4)    Stress:

While we can’t avoid it, one should definitely try and reduce it. Stress causes various mental as well as physical threats. So, calm down and relax.

While the causes are pretty simple, here are some even simpler tips that you must follow for flawless skin –

1)    Splash water in intervals:

The unbearable heat during the summers makes you want to keep taking a cool shower all through the day. While that may sound soothing, it isn’t really possible. So instead, keep splashing water on your face, at regular intervals, not just for you to feel fresh but also for the glow on your skin to remain intact.

2)    Drink lots of water:

Drinking a minimum of 2-3 litres of water daily is a must. If you are one of those who keep forgetting, then keep a 1-litre bottle of water on your desk and keep sipping from it throughout the day. Coconut water is a great substitute which also boasts of a multitude of health benefits.

3)    Keep bacteria at bay:

Well, we can’t really do much about the pollution in the air. But what we can do is, just protect our skin from it. So every time you are travelling or walking and are exposed to the air, keep dabbing your face with medicinal face wipes. This will help to keep the bacteria away.

4)    Exercise:

Any sort of exercise, be it gym workouts, yoga or running, are great not only for your body but also for your skin. The blood flow increases and this provides a fresh dose of oxygen to the skin. This will leave the skin feeling fresh.

5)    Cleansing:

One of the most significant steps of your skincare routine. Cleansing with a good facewash that provides your skin with the much-needed nourishment and enriches your skin with the goodness of natural products. The Everyuth Tulsi Turmeric Face Wash works wonders on acne-prone skin. Use this face wash twice-thrice a day for best results.

So, for all those who are harrowed by acne and breakouts, try these simple tips and follow them religiously, we bet you will see a significant change in your skin. And no matter what, don’t forget to pamper your skin.


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