A Guide To Picking The Right Face Wash For Teens

Teenage marks the foundation years of your skin. This is the time to begin taking care of your skin, understanding your skin, and picking the right skincare products for you. A skincare routine for teens is quite different from that of an adult. While the skin is still undergoing changes, it is important to understand that you need gentle products for your skin. And the most important of all beauty products is a face wash as it helps you remove all the dirt from your face, the makeup, and helps clean your pores. But which face wash is best suited for a teenage girl?  Here’s how you can choose the perfect face wash for your teens

Why is a gentle face wash necessary?

gentle face wash for teenage girls

Picking the right skincare products for a teenage girl can be overwhelming when there’s so much available in the market. But what you need to know before you blindly follow the trend is what your skin really needs. Because of hormonal changes teenage skin is prone to produce excess oil. Now, if you use a harsh face wash to get rid of the oil, your skin will lose the essential oils that it needs. Therefore, you need a gentle face wash for teenage girls that removes the dirt, grime, and excess sebum without stealing away the essential oils of your skin.

Why should a face wash with natural products be your first choice?

natural skin care products

Natural skincare products are better for the skin as well as for the environment. With natural skincare, you need not worry about the overload of synthetic chemicals used and what they would do to your skin. A face wash is the most basic of all beauty products and your skin should feel refreshed after one wash instead of irritated due to chemicals. A natural face wash will allow your skin to handle the changes it’s going through and is gentler on the skin.

Know Your Skin Type

There are four main skin types and you may fall into one of these categories. It is essential to know your skin type before buying a face wash for teens.

Let us take a look:

For Oily Skin:

Oily Skin is often prone to increased oil production from the skin. This increased oil production often leads to greasiness on the skin. If you take a blotting paper and swipe across your face and find it greasy, you have oily skin. Due to increased oil production, you will be prone to acne and pimples. The Tulsi Turmeric Face wash is the best face wash for pimples. It is one of the best natural face washes for oily skin!

For Dry Skin:

Dry skin is the opposite of oily skin; it is prone to dryness and flakiness and will often feel scratchy, especially during winter. It is essential to invest in a moisturizing face wash. A face wash for dry skin can be the Fruit Face Wash by Everyuth

For Normal skin:

Normal skin has balanced oil production and feels soft and supple to touch; it is not prone to breakouts. The Neem Face Wash by Everyuth is the perfect option as it cleanses the skin deeply and purifies too.

For Combination Skin:

As the name suggests, certain parts of the face will be oily while the others will be dry. In this case, the best face wash for teenagers will be Everyuth’s Lemon Cherry Face Wash. It makes the skin look brighter without washing off excess oil or making it too dry

What to look for in a face wash for teens?


Try to avoid face washes that have rough particles that are used to scrub the skin. Harsh scrubs can in fact increase oil production and cause more acne. Pick a face wash that has more natural scents or no scents. Most of these scents are chemically produced and cause irritation.

Tips for getting the most of your face wash

skincare routine for teenage girls

Even after you get the right face wash, you still cannot ignore the basics like:

● Washing your face every day and establishing a skincare routine early on.
● Moisturizing your skin is a step that you cannot afford to skip.
● Sunscreen protects your skin from harmful sun damage, so do not be lazy and use it every day.
● Hands off your face even if it is tempting
● Eat right and get enough sleep!

FAQs about Face Wash

1. At what age should you start using face wash?

The start of one’s teenage is the best age to start looking for good quality and skin-type appropriate cleansers for teenagers. Everyuth has some of the best face wash for teenage skin!

2. How can I check my skin type at home?

Wash your face and stay in a neutral, room-temperature environment for at least an hour. After that, take a blotting or tissue paper, make sure it is clean, and gently swipe across your skin. If you see some oiliness on the paper, you have oily or combination skin. If you suffer from flakiness, then you may have dry skin. These tell-tale signs are enough to let you know your skin type! For a simpler version of this, just log on to Everyuth’s website and take our ‘Know Your Skin’ Quiz.

The right face wash can do wonders for your skin at an early stage. From cleansing your skin to ensure your skin gets all the right nutrients, Everyuth’s face washes are a perfect way to begin your skincare journey as a teenager.

Also Read: Go Blemish- Free With These Natural Skincare Products


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