
Summer is finally setting in and it’s time you kick back and relax. These warm months come with their own set of challenges, especially for your skin. The harsh UVA and UVB rays of the sun demand a re-application of a high SPF sunscreen every few hours along with some additional care in the form of a cooling face...
October’s scorching heat is bound to get you tanned. Even after slapping a good amount of sunscreen on your skin, you can’t really protect it completely. So, whether you are out in the sun getting some work done or you are busy vacationing with your buddies at a beach, quit thinking about what your skin might be going through...
Everyday exposure to the sun makes your skin look dull. While we can’t avoid going out, we can definitely pamper our skin and help it cool down. It is time to treat your skin with the goodness of natural and harmless products that will provide long-lasting benefits to your skin. Cucumber is one such ingredient that has been used in...
In today’s fast-paced life, we find little time for ourselves. However, with the constant awareness created by the fitness industry, we somehow manage to squeeze in at least an hour every day for our body. But we often forget to pamper our skin, which requires some attention too. During the summers, just like your body needs extra care, the...
The summers are making us feel relentlessly exhausted, and all we want to do is sit in an air-conditioned room with some fresh fruit juices and not get out of the house. While that just seems to be a far-fetched dream with the daily routine, we must not forget to keep ourselves hydrated in this scorching heat. Yeah, we...
We are here to tell you that you should add a bit of this delicious treat every day to your diet. Shocked?  Well, it’s not just us, but research says it too. Let’s bust all those myths that surround this luxurious treat. Here’s why: Dark Chocolate has a wide range of benefits for the...
With winter winds bidding us a good-bye, the harsh sun rays are out yet again. While we love flaunting our breezy summer dresses, little do we realize the effects of the summer sun on our skin. Most of us who are battling oily skin during the rest of the seasons have an even tougher time during the summers. The...
Sun, sand, and poolside fun always sound great. However, what sounds just as boring and unpleasant is the effect of the sun on our skin and hair. Yes, we know your skin needs some Vitamin D but how much? Sunburns and suntans are some of the most basic problems most people face during summers. But are you going to...
Acne is a persistent skin problem that many of us face in our lives. These annoying breakouts tend to rise during summer because of sweat and exposure to the harmful UV which leads to inflammation of the skin. Most of the women complain of an increase in acne during summers clogging as they slather loads of sunscreen which is...
Its summertime and nature are in full glory. But that also means that the season’s harsh sun is beaming down your skin. While sunscreen is the obvious choice, your skin needs a little more care than just that. Have no fear, we’ve got the best facials for glowing, healthy, and sun-kissed skin no matter how sultry the next few...

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