Skin Essentials

Holi 2022 Skincare
Holi is one of the most beloved Indian festivals; bringing our friends and family together it’s a joyous occasion we look forward to throughout the year. The table full of sweets, the beautiful and bright colours and the bustling markets are all delightful to experience. However, most of the colours we use are composed of harsh chemicals...
Women's Day 2022
With offices and schools opening doors, the hustle has begun full-fledged and in between all the daily madness, taking time out for yourself is not easy. While I’m sure you are able to fabulously balance work & home and looking your best while you’re at it, we understand what it takes to do this. On Women’s day...
Skin Moisturization
Whether you follow a strict skincare routine or not, a natural body lotion should definitely be a part of your daily regimen to get ready for the day. While we don’t think twice before splurging on makeup, we tend to compromise on skincare and especially a good body moisturizer. An unsung hero, this skincare product is often...
Golden Glow Peel Off Mask
It’s the season of love, mush and die-hard romantics. We are sure you have already made plans with your beloved partner, made your reservations, made a list of things to get for Valentine’s Day from flowers to a fun gift, planned your outfit and are all set for the special evening. But instead of donning layers of...
Fight acne
Acne is a common skin issues that almost everyone battles with at least once in their lifetime. Let’s just say they are the villains that surface on our face especially when we have an important event coming up. Blame it on the sebaceous glands that get worked up and produce excessive sebum which when comes in contact...
Peel off mask
Skincare not only proves to help us feel better superficially but also helps our mental wellbeing. The calming effect of living in the now and paying attention to our skin’s needs is something that we have always longed for and now we can make the most of it. While visiting a salon and getting a facial done...
Natural face wash
January is here and that means it’s that time of the year when we get a good break from all the partying (read: eating unhealthy and drinking). While we all try our luck at dieting, we most definitely prefer eating our greens and fresh fruits even if it is just out of guilt. Just like our bodies,...
As we brush the dust away on the skincare products that we said we would use and embrace our new year resolution of sticking to a skincare regimen, let’s make sure to keep it simple and effective. An easy skincare routine that comprises products that make a difference will prevent you from breaking the resolution. When we...
Clean & Natural Beauty
When it comes to natural skincare, there are an infinite number of concerns and questions that run in our heads. “Does it work?”, “How trustworthy is this brand?” While we are becoming more and more accepting of experimentation we have to understand what this barrage of products does to your skin. That’s why natural beauty products, which...
Aloe Vera & Cucumber
While a new year brings with it fresh (and old) resolutions, hope and faith in what we wish to achieve and loads of positive energy, it isn’t always easy to maintain the same enthusiasm for a long time. The idea is to craft easy, achievable, and mindful goals that may seem like a small feat but help...

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